Populating field from Catalog Item(sc_cat_item) to produced RITM record(sc_req_item)Issue There might be a need for customer's that they want to populate a field which is present on the Catalog Item record (a field on sc_cat_item table), into the produced RITM record (on sc_req_item).CauseThis can be achieved by creating a Business rule on the sc_req_table. However, if the Business rule is not configured correctly, then the population from sc_cat_item to sc_req_item might not happen. So customers need to verify the Business Rule carefully to see what has been missed.ResolutionCreate a business rule with the following specifications in mind. Advanced checkbox checkedTable selected as [sc_req_item]When to Run: Put it as [Before] [Insert]In the Script put the below code. Please note this is a very simple code, so can be modified as per business requirement current.FIELD_ON_RITM_RECORD = current.cat_item.FIELD_ON_CATALOG_ITEM