Allow users to use the menu option 'Proposed Change' without write access to the cmdb tableIssue You want to grant 'itil' users (or any role) the ability to use the UI Action "Proposed Change" but do not want to give them full access to write to the CMDB table (cmdb_ci)CauseThis behavior is considered out of the box. To make changes in the "Proposed Change" form is to edit the CMDB (cmdb_ci) table.ResolutionA workaround for this is to grant a specific role the ability to edit the CMDB (cmdb_ci) table but only when they are making that request from the "Proposed Change" UI action. You can do this by adding an ACL and including the role you'd like to give access and then adding a script that checks where the request is coming from and only grants it if the request is coming from the "Proposed Change" Ui Action. Create a new Access Control Level.Add the role you'd like to give permissions to. (The above example was for the 'itil' role).Click the 'Advanced' checkbox. (This allows custom scripts).Add the following script answer = JSUtil.notNil(RP.getParameterValue("sysparm_changeset")); Related LinksThe solution was originally observed in a community article.