Inefficient load of customizations for System Localization -> Non-Translated ItemsDescriptionAll options under 'System Localization -> Non-Translated Items' contain the following arguments in the default URL:sys_id=javascript:new I18nUtils().getCustomizations('sys_ui_message', new Array('key', 'application')); For an instance with large number of non-english UI Messages the modules will never load and the transactions will time out This includes Modules: Translated Name / FieldsMessagesField LabelsChoiceResolutionThis issue has been identified as a known issue within the ServiceNow Platform as documented within PRB1253433 however it has been marked as 'Working As Expected' Following review it was confirmed that these modules had been marked as 'inactive' and were not meant to be enabled for customer use. If you believe you still need to access the specific data within the modules/tables in question then you can implement of the of the following workarounds: 1) Navigate directly to the tables specified for each module without using the default links which trigger the additional script include IE: <instance-name> <instance-name> <instance-name> 2) Create a UI page with the following script : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null"><body><div><b><u>Non-Translated Messages</u></b><br /><table id="sTable" align="left" style="width:300px"><tr bgcolor="grey"><th><b>Sys ID</b></th><th><b>Key</b></th><th><b>Application</b></th><th><b>Message</b></th><th><b>Language</b></th></tr><g2:evaluate var="jvar_results" object='true' jelly="true">var getFieldValues = function (record, fields) {var list = record[fields[0]];for (var field = 1; field < fields.length; field++) {list += ':' + record[fields[field]];}return list;}var table = 'sys_ui_message';var fields = new Array('key', 'application');// get list of records in other languagesvar records = new Array();var record = new GlideRecord(table);record.addQuery('language', '!=', 'en');record.query();var list = new Object();var recordList = '';while ( {recordList = getFieldValues(record, fields);list[recordList] = true;}// next check if each English record is found// in our translated list, if not add it to our return arrayvar check = new GlideRecord(table);check.addQuery('language', 'en');check.query();var checkList = '';while ( {checkList = getFieldValues(check, fields);if (list[checkList]) {continue;}var entry = {};entry.currentKey = check.getValue('key');entry.currentApplication = check.getValue('application');entry.currentMsg = check.getValue('message');entry.currentLanguage = check.getValue('language');entry.currentSysId = check.getValue('sys_id');records.push(entry);}records;</g2:evaluate><j2:forEach items="$[jvar_results]" var="jvar_entry"><tr><td><a href="$[jvar_entry.currentSysId]"> $[jvar_entry.currentSysId]</a></td><td>$[jvar_entry.currentKey]</td><td>$[jvar_entry.currentApplication]</td><td>$[jvar_entry.currentMsg]</td><td>$[jvar_entry.currentLanguage]</td></tr></j2:forEach></table><br /></div></body></j:jelly>