Condition Builder / Group by on Reports creation page does not allow to expand fields on 'FX Currency' type columnsDescriptionThe Condition Builder on a report creation page, unlike the condition builder on a list page, does not have the option to expand the fields on the 'FX Currency' type columns. Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a new report and select the 'Source Type' as 'Table'.2. Select a table which has a column of type 'Reference' and another column of type 'Fx Currency'.3. Select any data visualization type and click 'Next'.4. In the 'Configure' step, under the 'Group By' drop down, notice there is an arrow ('>') in front of a reference field to select columns on the referenced table. However the fx currency field does not have it.5. Navigate to the list view of the table selected in the above step. Click on filter icon and select 'Show Related Fields'.6. In the filter drop down you can now see the expanded fields related to the 'Reference' column as well as 'Fx Currency' column. 'Reference' type columns can be expanded, but not the 'Fx Currency' type columns.WorkaroundThis problem has been identified as a future product enhancement. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. Related Problem: PRB1381473