Installing GRC: Policy and Compliance app in the system application throws an error that 'GRC: Profile' Plugin is not activated but it is already activatedIssue Installing GRC: Policy and Compliance app in the system application throws an error that 'GRC: Profile' Plugin is not activated but it is already activated. And there are two instances of the 'GRC: Profile' plugin.ReleaseNew YorkCauseThe installation of the 'GRC: Profile' plugin was not proper and it caused the issueResolutionThe installation of the 'GRC: Profile' plugin was not proper and it created a ghost duplicate entry in the 'sys_store_app' table and it caused the issueTo resolve the issue, we can go to the 'sys_store_app' table and then uninstall both the store apps records (there will be an Uninstall related link when we open the record) and then install the 'GRC: Profile' application again and it should be resolving the issue.