Alerts are not being created from events as new arriving events have event type different from the one we have listed in em_event_type.Issue Alerts are not being created from events as new arriving events have event type different from the one we have listed in em_event_type. So the new events never get processed event though Event Management - Process Events is running for every 5 secs.ReleaseAffected version(s): New YorkCause=>It is cache problem. it looks like the new arriving events have event type different from the one we have listed in em_event_type.Resolution=>It is cache problem. it looks like the new arriving events have event type different from the one we have listed in em_event_type.The code tries to add those types to the table , and because cache is not refreshing it tries to do it multiple time and fails because of unique constrain.=>In order to resolve this problem please clean the cache do a .Related LinksA PRB PRB1383770 has already opened to add refresh mechanism to em_event_type cache.