Windows Credential Test failing with "Module ExecuteRemote could not be found"Issue While testing the credential, i.e. Windows Credentials, the following issue might appear. ReleaseAny ReleaseCauseThere might be various reasons why this issue arises. The manner to troubleshoot this issue would be to follow each point mentioned in the resolution section.ResolutionEnter inside the MID Server folder looking for the ExecuteRemote.psm1 file and confirm that this is OOTB. - KB0791120Windows Discovery Probes that use Remote Execution framework may be blocked by Antivirus software or ExecutionPolicy - KB0727945The MID Server service might be running using a Local System account. The MID Server log with debugging indicates that the test it's failing when performing the check to see if "ExecuteRemote" existed using Get-Module -List command. If missing it means that the user account probably did not have enough privileges to list the modules. Please see below: Worker-Interactive:CommandPipeline-e196a9fcdbd00810c339b04ffe961963 DEBUG: execute($env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + "C:\MID_SERVER\\agent/scripts/Powershell/WinRMAPI")Worker-Interactive:CommandPipeline-e196a9fcdbd00810c339b04ffe961963 DEBUG: execute($SNC_modList = Get-Module -List; $SNC_modExists = $false; forEach($SNC_module in $SNC_modList) { if ($SNC_module.Name -eq "ExecuteRemote") { $SNC_modExists = $true } } if (!$SNC_modExists) { Write-Host MI8D_COMMAND_FAILURE }) If the path has a special character for instance: "MID Server für DEV" you might experience this issue. The solution is to create a new MID Server folder without any special character, for instance: "MidServerDev".