Text Search tables do not existIssue Below are the common ERRORS that are noticed in the logs when text search related tables are missing. Snippet of log for a customer using Oracle Database:2020-01-24 07:43:55 (867) Default-thread-15 74DD4169DBAEC850F9E59257DB9619E0 txid=57669da9dbee SEVERE *** ERROR *** FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.10: SELECT sys_id FROM (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(800) */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (SELECT sys_id FROM ts_c_301_3 ts_c_301_30 ORDER BY sys_id) a where ROWNUM <= 800) WHERE rnum > 0 Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation detected by database (ORA-00942: table or view does not exist) ..... com.glide.db.GlideSQLException: FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.10: SELECT sys_id FROM (SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(800) */ a.*, ROWNUM rnum FROM (SELECT sys_id FROM ts_c_301_3 ts_c_301_30 ORDER BY sys_id) a where ROWNUM <= 800) WHERE rnum > 0 Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation detected by database (ORA-00942: table or view does not exist) .....2020-01-24 07:43:55 (874) Default-thread-15 74DD4169DBAEC850F9E59257DB9619E0 txid=57669da9dbee SEVERE *** ERROR *** Exception attempting to delete from: ts_c_301_3 com.glide.db.GlideSQLException: FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.10: DELETE FROM ts_c_301_3 Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation detected by database (ORA-00942: table or view does not exist)Snippet of log for a customer using MYSQL Database:com.glide.db.GlideSQLException: FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.ts.4 (connpid=3693792): SELECT x_202259_dgf_risk0.`sys_id`, ts_c_34_30.`word`, ts_c_34_30.`document_number`, ts_c_34_30.`total_weight` FROM (((x_202259_dgf_risk x_202259_dgf_risk0 INNER JOIN risk risk0 ON x_202259_dgf_risk0.`sys_id` = risk0.`sys_id` ) INNER JOIN ts_document ts_document0 ON x_202259_dgf_risk0.`sys_id` = ts_document0.`document_id` ) INNER JOIN ts_c_34_3 ts_c_34_30 ON ts_document0.`number` = ts_c_34_30.`document_number` ) WHERE ts_c_34_30.`word` IN (6505083) ORDER BY document_number DESC Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation detected by database ((conn=3693792) Table 'databasename_1.ts_c_34_3' doesn't exist) ReleaseAll available release.CauseText search related tables(ts_c_XX_YY) are missing due to incomplete text regeneration after a clone process. ts_c_XX_YY are tables that contain data related to document number and word number that are matched for the text index table(XX). All the tables that have text index enabled will be stored in table 'ts_index_name'. Navigation via the UI: System Definitions > Text Indexes. Each of these tables will have a Number, State, Format, Last indexing duration etc. $ pbrun snow query demonightlynewyork "select \`table\`, number,state,format from ts_index_name where \`table\`='task' or \`table\`='sys_user'"+------+----------+--------+-------+--------+| Port | table | number | state | format |+------+----------+--------+-------+--------+| 3523 | sys_user | 12 | 2 | v4 || 3523 | task | 10 | 2 | v3 |+------+----------+--------+-------+--------+ State value 2 = Ready, value 0 = Not Started, value 1 = Indexing and value 3 = Skipped. Value of TASK table is 10 i.e ts_c_10_YY. The value of YY ranges from 0 to 9 i.e ts_c_10_0 to ts_c_10_9 for task table. Format can have vales V3 or V4. V3 represents Calgary version and V4 is the new indexing format starting New York release. Below link talks about V4 indexing format: V4 Text Indexing Text Indexing: 1) V3 Indexing: Format of the Inverted Index tables will be from ts_c_XX_0 to ts_c_XX_9 2) V4 Indexing format: Format of the Inverted Index tables will be from ts_v4_XX_0 to ts_v4_XX_9 In addition, there will be two more tables - ts_v4_XX_df & ts_v4_XX_doc Causes: 1) Text index table is in a state 'Not Started': For a table that has text indexing enabled, but the state of this table in table 'ts_index_name' is set to 'Not Started'. This table will not have dictionary entries for ts_c_XX_0 to ts_c_XX_9. You can validate by the following steps: a) Navigate to System Definitions > Text Indexes and for example you are reviewing for the TASK table, you will add filter table is task. Review the state of this table. b) If the state is 'Not Started'. You will need to Regenerate Text Index for the TASK table. 2) Text index table is in a state 'Ready': For a table that has text indexing enabled, but the dictionary entries for the Inverted index tables are missing (i.e. ts_c_XX_0 to ts_c_XX_9) You can validate by the following steps: a) Navigate to System Definitions > Text Indexes and for example you are reviewing for the TASK table, you will add filter table is task. Review the state of this table and ensure its set to 'Ready' b) Navigate to System Definitions > Dictionary and add filter Type is Collection and Table starts with ts_c_10. There should be 10 entries ts_c_XX_0 to ts_c_XX_9. If there are any missing tables entries ts_c_XX_0 to ts_c_XX_9. Then you will need to Regenerate Text Index for the TASK table. Encoded Query: nameSTARTSWITHts_c_10^internal_type=collection The above 2 cases apply to V4 indexing format as well, the only thing that changes is the tables you will need to look for. Table changes from ts_c_XX_0 to ts_c_XX_9 to ts_v4_XX_0 to ts_v4_XX_9. ResolutionReview the errors from the logs to determine which text index table is throwing the errors and review the above two causes and 'Regenerate Text Index' for the impacted tables. Regenerate a text index for a table: https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_RegenerateATextIndexForATable.html&version=latestRelated LinksHow to see the words that have been text indexed for a particular record - KB0695363 Zing Document Scoring - Link