Discovery error CI Reclassification not allowedDescriptionDiscovery of CI throws error "CI Reclassification not allowed". Example error: CI Reclassification not allowed from class: [cmdb_ci_msd] to [cmdb_ci_storage_node_element]Release or EnvironmentAll currently supported releases.CauseYou can upgrade, downgrade, or switch the class of a CI by modifying its Class attribute. During the CI identification process, a CI might need to be reclassified to a different sys_class_name type. By default, CIs are reclassified automatically. If automatic reclassification is disabled, then the CI is not reclassified and the system generates a reclassification task for your review.ResolutionSystem properties, IRE payload flags, and adjusting the payload are options to avoid the RECLASSIFICATION_NOT_ALLOWED error. System Properties The following system properties control if a class upgrade, downgrade, or switch are allowed: glide.class.upgrade.enabledglide.class.downgrade.enabledglide.class.switch.enabledglide.identification_engine.update_without_switch_enabledglide.identification_engine.update_without_downgrade_enabledglide.identification_engine.update_without_upgrade_enabled Payload Flags and Adjusting Payload Navigate to the reclassification task "Configuration > Identification/Reconciliation > Reclassification".Review the payload for the reclassification.If possible, adjust the payload so that a reclassification is not necessary This will be possible for some of the applications which are calling the IRE For example, transforms can run scripts to adjust the payload Also, look into adding following flags to the payload to temporarily overwrite the IRE reclassification properties at the payload item level classUpgradeclassDowngradeclassSwitch Note, if either of above payload settings items is true, then it will override the relevant property (e.g. glide.class.upgrade.enabled) Above are added under items, e.g. { items: [{className: "cmdb_ci_server", classUpgrade: true, classDowngrade: true, classSwitch: true, values: {name: "linux123", serial_number: "12srt567"... updateWithoutUpgradeupdateWithoutDowngradeupdateWithoutSwitch Note, these switches are not simply overriding relevant properties. The logic is, if either of above payload settings items is true, or IRE properties is true (e.g. glide.identification_engine.update_without_switch_enabled), then it will do update without class change. Above are added under items.settings, e.g. { items: [{className: 'cmdb_ci_server',values: {name: 'linux123'},"settings": {"skipReclassificationRestrictionRules" : "true", "updateWithoutSwitch": "false"}... Note: Updating the payload before it is sent to the IRE will be specific to the application which is passing data to the IRE. For example, this could be done via transform scripts for transforms, pre post processing scripts for discovery, or some other way for custom code making calls to the IRE.Additional InformationReclassify a CI for Identification and Reconciliation