Create button is not working anymore on TeamCalendar UI PageIssue Manager ->Team Calendar is not working properly. When trying to add an event either through "Create" button or through double clicking on any user's time entry, it is not working.CauseThe issue is happening since UI Page $managerSchedule ( has been customised ResolutionCheck the Client script of the UI Page . If you will see that the old GlideModalFormSetWidth is loaded using an addLateLoadEvent, then update this part of the code accordingly by changing this line of the Client Script field from: fileref.setAttribute("src", "scripts/classes/GlideModalFormSetWidth.js"); To: fileref.setAttribute("src", "scripts/classes/MatchingRuleGlideModalFormSetWidth.js"); Please Note : The same issue can also occur for Agent ->Team calendar as well and for that check for UI page - $agentSchedule - and perform similar update to fix the issue