Walk-up Experience shows Queue page distorted and incomplete on Mobile BrowserDescriptionIn the Walk-up Experience plugin, the Queue page shows distorted and incomplete on Mobile Browser.Steps to Reproduce 1. Activate the Plugin "Walk-up Experience".2. Navigate to /walkup on a Mobile Browser.3. Log in as the walkup user.4. Select the location "San Diego Tech Lounge"5. Select the queue. The page is cut and distorted and does not display the same as the desktop.WorkaroundThis is expected behaviour in the current design, this page does not support mobile devices. The walk-up onsite queue is designed for use as digital signage to display the current state of the walk-up queue from within a walk-up location, normally on a tv display, in either horizontal or vertical position. For this reason, the media queries for mobile are not included.Related Problem: PRB1382580