Change Request Risk Assessment is not working after upgradeIssue After upgrading Change Risk Assessment is not working. After completing the Risk Assessment the Risk value isn't being calculated.ReleaseMadrid Patch 9, New York Patch 4CauseThe Risk Assessment record has a "sys_class_name" set to "asmt_metric_type" value the OOB value is "change_risk_asmt." This is easy to confirm, you can either add the class column to the Risk Assessment table or, mouse over the Risk Assessment records and observe the URL that pops up (if it mentions the asmt_metric_type table then this is the issue)ResolutionExport the Risk Assessment record in question as an XML file Open up the XML file and change the "sys_class_name" field from a value of "asmt_metric_type" to "change_risk_asmt" Import the modified XML file and the issue will be resolved