Attachment getting attached twice in Service Catalog TaskIssue Once an attachment has been added to the Requested Item (RITM) form, it is duplicated and added to the respective catalogue taskCauseBusiness RuleResolutionAnother business rule that had been written was also triggering. The attachment was thus being attached twice. Verify that the sys_attachment table does not contain any additional business rules that would permit the attachments to be attached twice. Refer the below code from ServiceNow Community link: copyAttachments(current);function copyAttachments(attachment) {var tasks = new GlideRecord("sc_task");tasks.addActiveQuery();tasks.addQuery('request_item', current.table_sys_id);tasks.query();while( {gs.log('Copying attachment for task ' + tasks.number, 'ServiceNow Community');var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();gsa.copy(current.table_name, current.table_sys_id, tasks.getTableName(), tasks.sys_id);}} Create the business rule after inserting data into the "sys attachment" table using the business rule condition. Name of table: |IS| sc_req_item tableRelated LinksCOPY ATTACHMENTS FROM RITM TO SCTASK