Messages sent/received in Connect Support are intermittently not seen in the clientDescriptionWhen an end user and an agent send each other messages in a connect support conversation, intermittently, some messages are not sent/received by either user, even though amb messages are being added to the sys_amb_message table.Turning on the 'glide.amb.cluster.synchronizer.debug' property allows to gather information logs for a missed message:glide.amb.cluster.synchronizer SYSTEM Retrieved 2 rows in sys_amb_message0006 with number > 27377271glide.amb.cluster.synchronizer SYSTEM Processing row sys_amb_message0006[#27377272] from_user 43508861 to_user nullglide.amb.cluster.synchronizer SYSTEM Processing row sys_amb_message0006[#27377273] from_user 43508861 to_user nullglide.amb.cluster.synchronizer New transaction 56283CC1B0DAB300BEA3F38FDCB1B6F1 #448612 receive /amb/connect/8c865c86c11e3d40e9e790b09f5cf9a6Messages are not being published because the Number on the sys_amb_message is lower than the previous number, when it should always be higher.Steps to Reproduce This seems to occur on instances that use Oracle database only.1) End user submits a chat.2) Agent accepts that chat.3) Both users chat back and forth.4) During this interaction some messages are not seen by either user, because the messages are not reflected in the client.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. Related Problem: PRB1350750