Business rule condition checking for changes to a date/time field incorrectly evaluates to trueDescriptionBusiness rule incorrectly evaluates that the date on a record has been changed when the date has not changed.Steps to Reproduce 1. Install com.snc.financial_planning_pmo.2. Install demo data for the plugin com.snc.project_portfolio_suite.3. Go to the Business Rules list.4. Turn all Business Rules inactive, except the following two: - 'Update parent resource planned cost' - 'Update parent resource allocated cost'5. Import the test business rule attached (this has a check to run only when start_date or end_date changes).6. Enable Debug business rules.7. Navigate to Search for the project "HR Service Management Portal".9. In the related lists of the project click on Edit in Sub projects.10. Add "Consultant Off-boarding" from the slush bucket.On saving notice that the test BR is run. It should not have run since neither the start_date nor the end_date fields have been changed.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. For GlideDateTime fields in a business rule current.changes() to detect a change in value from previous value is not working as expected in some scenarios. The scenarios where it wont work is when the field has a default value set, platform is treating its previous value is null or empty and it is set with a default value. So it evaluates changes() as true. But from user perspective, they never updated or modified the value. They are expecting changes() to return false. Customer can use current.<dateTimeField>.value != previous.<dateTimeField>.value instead of current.<dateTimeField>.changes() as a workaround.Related Problem: PRB714717