"Atmost only one translator can be configured as default" and "Action not authorized" errors show when trying to override a record of parent domain in process separated tablesDescriptionSince the Orlando release, errors are thrown on Translator Configurations or Client Scripts tables when trying to update a record of a parent domain in child domain.Steps to Reproduce 1. Install the Domain Support Extensions installer plugin including demo data.2. Install the Dynamic Translation plugin.3. Select the TOP domain from Domain picker.4. Go to the Dynamic Translation > Translator Configurations table (or any table which is process separated like Client Scripts).5. Open the Microsoft record, set the 'Active' and 'Default' checkboxes and Save.6. Open the IBM record, set the 'Active' and 'Default' checkboxes and Save. An error message shows "Atmost only one translator can be configured as default", because of a Business Rule (sys_id=f1d0e28b732723009788438e7bf6a7f6) aborting the record update.7. Uncheck the 'Default' checkbox and click on Save/Update the same IBM record. The IBM record is not updated with Active=true and a warning message shows on the top "Action not authorised". You will need to open the record again to update the Active status alone.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. As a workaround, right after the business rule has aborted the record update with 'Active' and 'Default' both checked, refresh the form or reopen it, check 'Active' only, and save/update. Related Problem: PRB1360920