List of Epics is not filtered to include only related Products on the Story form.Issue List of Epics is not filtered to include only related Products on the Story form.ResolutionThis is happening because you do not have Agile Development 2.0 installed.With it installed, it adds the "Agile2SecurityManager" Script Include which the "com.snc.sdlc.scrum.pp.smclass" System Property updates to and is what is utilized in the Epic field's Reference Qualifier selection.Without Agile Development 2.0, you use the "ScrumPPMIntManager" Script Include for the System Property which does not have the required methods for the Reference Qualifier.As of New York, Agile Development 1.0 is not supported and we recommend upgrading to Agile Development 2.0.Please see: a temporary workaround, you can try updating the "ScrumPPMIntManager" Script Include. This however, is not supported and may not even work.NEXT STEPS:1. Navigate to System Definition > Script Includes2. In the "Name" column search for "ScrumPPMIntManager" and go to the record3. Add the following code under line 234 (this is taken from the Script that comes with Agile 2.0:getStoryDotEpic: function (recStory) {var encodedQuery = 'sys_class_name=rm_epic';if (!recStory.product.nil())encodedQuery += '^product=' + recStory.getValue('product') + '^ORproductISEMPTY';return encodedQuery;},4. Save the form