How to set up Jira SpokeSummaryIn this KB, we have demonstrated how to install and configure the Jira Spoke from scratch so that it can be used as part of Flow Designer.ReleaseAll releasesInstructions 1. We need to ensure that we have the integration hub plugin install. Integration Hub 2. Install the Jira Spoke. Go to plugin > Click find in store > Search for Jira spoke OR Open the Jira Spoke application from the store by clicking HERE 3. Click Get Note: When requesting this app for sub production instance it is free, but if you are requesting this for your production instance you will have to buy the subscription. 4. Click View Request, enter your instance name, and click Request. 5. After you have purchased an app or requested a trial, you can install it directly on your selected ServiceNow instances. Note: Trial apps can only be installed on non-production instances. Purchased apps can be installed on any instance. To install the application Log in to the ServiceNow instance on which you want to install the app.Navigate to System Applications > All Available Applications > All.Search for the app you want to install.Click on Install. Your app is automatically installed onto your instance. 6. On your instance you should see something like below: Note: Please note that there are some other plugins that have to be pre-install as the Jira Spoke is dependent on them. They are: ServiceNow IntegrationHub Runtime ServiceNow IntegrationHub Action Step - REST ServiceNow IntegrationHub Action Template - Data Stream 7. Click Install 8. Once it is done, you can go to all applications, type jira and see if the spoke is correctly installed. 9. You can use the documentation on Jira spoke to understand the requirement to create a Jira account. 10. Create an API token using the documentation from Atlassian on API tokens. Note: It might not be possible to generate API token for Atlassian On-prem instances. Refer to the article HERE. 11. Create the Credential Profile Navigate to Connections & Credentials > Credentials > New > Basic Auth Credentials and create a new credential profile. See an example below: Note: You can ignore putting the alias 12. Create a Connection profile Connections & Credential Aliases >Connections > New <Http(s) Connection . See example below: 13. Check the Connection and Credential Alias and see if the Connection profile is correctly associated to the Alias. See the below example: 14. Please ensure that you clear cache of your instance after this set up. 15. Your Jira Spoke is ready to be used.