Service Portal date picker month is translated wrong in Polish language selected (e.g. "stycznia|styczen" for "January")DescriptionIn the Service Portal the date picker is displaying the translated month name incorrectly. For the Polish language it is displaying "stycznia|styczen" for the translation of "January" instead of "Styczeń".Steps to Reproduce 1. Activate plugin ""com.snc.i18n.polish"2. Add a date variable to the standard catalog item Apple iPad 3 with following properties:name= date_testquestion = date_testtype = Date3. Switch to Polish language 4. View the catalog item on the Service Portal:/sp?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=060f3afa3731300054b6a3549dbe5d3e5. Open the date variable's pickerText"stycznia|styczen" is displayed as translation for the month text "January", also "lutego|luty" for "February" , "marca|marzec" for "March" etc..Other languages such as French, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Turkish are displaying translated month names correctly.WorkaroundAfter carefully considering the severity and frequency of the issue, and the cost and risk of attempting a fix, it has been decided to not address this issue in any current or near future releases. We do not make this decision lightly, and we apologise for any inconvenience. a) ServiceNow Service Portal utilizes the boostrap-datetimepicker picker provided in bootstrap library: b) This uses the standard month() function of the moment.js library and this is what is returning the value "stycznia|styczen" as the translation of "January" for the polish language. c) This is hardcoded in the standard moment.js library code that ServiceNow are unable to modify due to the impact it may have elsewhere in the platform. Related Problem: PRB1381005