BLOB cannot be uploaded when file extensions are limitedIssue File extension in the instance by setting the system. property glide.attachment.extensions to true and adding a list of file extensions. How to fix this without having to remove the inclusion list. Now unable to upload any "blob"-files, which are used out of the box when a screenshot is pasted to an HTML field. ResolutionLogin into the instance.In the filter navigator type portals and select the portals under service portalFrom the portal page open the record "service portal" Open the main menu sp header menu mentioned in the above screenshot.After opening the sp header record open the Widget header record shown as below. After opening the widget header menu go down to the page you can see dependencies. Click and create a new named "override_tinymce After creating and if you open the override_tinymce it has to look like this Now open the record Dependencyà Override_Tinymce from the above mentioned screenshot and it has to look like this. Click the JS includes and click NEW and create a display name with tinymce_override. After creating open that record and will show as below Now open the JS include à tinymce_override from the above screen screenshotOnce you open the above you need to fill like below If you are unable to select tiymce_override from UI_SCRIPT then create a new and save it.Now click the UI script which is highlighted in the above screenshot and open.Enter the below script in the script area and check the "Active" tab and click the update button as shown in the below screenshot. angular.module('sn.$sp').directive('spTinymceEditor', function(getTemplateUrl, snAttachmentHandler, $timeout, i18n, spAriaUtil, $rootScope, spUtil) { return { templateUrl: getTemplateUrl('sp_tinymce_editor.xml'), restrict: 'E', replace: true, scope: { model: '=ngModel', field: '=?', options: '=ngModelOptions', snBlur: '&', snDisabled: '=?', getGlideForm: '&glideForm', ngChange: '&', attachmentGuid: '=?', recordTableName: '=?', textId: '@?' }, controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $scope.accessibilityEnabled = spAriaUtil.g_accessibility === "true"; $scope.onChangeModel = function() { $timeout(function() { $scope.ngChange(); }); } $scope.options = $scope.options || {}; var thisEditor = {}; var g_form; var field; if (typeof $attrs.glideForm != "undefined") { g_form = $scope.getGlideForm(); } if (typeof $attrs.field != "undefined") { field = $scope.field; } if ($scope.textId) { $scope.textareaId = $scope.textId.replace('.', '-'); } else { $scope.textareaId = 'ui-tinymce-' + (new Date().valueOf()); } var langs = 'cs,de,en,es,fi,fr,he,it,ja,ko,nl,pl,pt,ru,zh,zt'; var userLanguage = g_lang; if (!userLanguage || langs.indexOf(userLanguage) == -1) userLanguage = g_system_lang; if (!userLanguage || langs.indexOf(userLanguage) == -1) userLanguage = 'en'; var setMode = function() { var isReadOnly = g_form.isReadOnly(; thisEditor.setMode(isReadOnly ? 'readonly' : 'design'); var body = thisEditor.getDoc().body; = isReadOnly ? "#eeeeee" : "#fff"; var doc = thisEditor.getDoc(); = '90%'; = '90%'; $timeout(function(i18n) { body.setAttribute('contenteditable', !isReadOnly); body.setAttribute('aria-label', $scope.field.label); }, 1000); } var updateMode = function() { if (typeof thisEditor.setMode == "function") { if (thisEditor.getContainer()) { setMode(); } else { thisEditor.on('init', function() { setMode(); }); } } else { $timeout(updateMode, 10); } } var removeScriptHost = true; if (typeof g_tinymce_remove_script_host !== "undefined") removeScriptHost = g_tinymce_remove_script_host; var convertURLs = false; if (typeof g_tinymce_convert_urls !== "undefined") convertURLs = g_tinymce_convert_urls; var relativeURLs = true; if (typeof g_tinymce_relative_urls !== "undefined") relativeURLs = g_tinymce_relative_urls; function getTableAndSysId() { var result = {}; var form = $scope.getGlideForm(); if (form) { var tableName = form.getTableName(); var sysId = form.getSysId(); if (tableName) { result.table = tableName; result.sys_id = sysId > -1 ? sysId : $scope.attachmentGuid; } else { result.table = form.recordTableName; result.sys_id = $scope.attachmentGuid || sysId; } } else { result.table = $scope.recordTableName; result.sys_id = $scope.attachmentGuid; } return result; } function update() { $scope.$applyAsync(function() { debugger; var content = thisEditor.getContent({ format: 'raw' }); $scope.model = content; if ($scope.field) { $scope.field.value = $scope.field.stagedValue = content; } }); } var toolbar = ["undo redo", "formatselect", "bold italic", "alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify", "bullist numlist outdent indent", "link unlink", "image", "codesample code"]; $scope.tinyMCEOptions = { skin: 'lightgray', theme: 'modern', menubar: false, language: userLanguage, remove_script_host: removeScriptHost, convert_urls: convertURLs, relative_urls: relativeURLs, statusbar: false, plugins: "codesample code link paste", toolbar: toolbar.join(" | "), paste_data_images: true, browser_spellcheck: true, setup: function(ed) { thisEditor = ed; ed.addCommand('imageUpload', function(ui, v) { $scope.clickAttachment(); }); ed.addButton('image', { icon: 'image', tooltip: 'Insert image', onclick: function(e) { ed.execCommand('imageUpload'); }, stateSelector: 'img:not([data-mce-object],[data-mce-placeholder])' }); ed.on('blur', function() { update(); if (angular.isDefined($scope.snBlur)) $scope.snBlur(); }); ed.on('ProgressState', function(e) { $rootScope.$emit('$sp.html.editor.progress', e); }); }, images_upload_handler: function(blobInfo, success, failure) { var blob = blobInfo.blob(); var fileName = blobInfo.filename(); = "Pasted image" + fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); var data = getTableAndSysId(); if (data.table && data.sys_id) { thisEditor.setProgressState(true); snAttachmentHandler.create(data.table, data.sys_id).uploadAttachment(blob, null, {}).then(function(response) { success("/" + response.sys_id); update(); thisEditor.setProgressState(false); }); } else { console.warn("GlideForm or table and record id is not provided"); failure(); } } }; if (spUtil.isMobile()) { $scope.tinyMCEOptions.toolbar = _.pull(toolbar, 'image').join(' | '); } $scope.attachFiles = function(result) { var data = getTableAndSysId(); if (data.table && data.sys_id && result.files) { thisEditor.setProgressState(true); snAttachmentHandler.create(data.table, data.sys_id).uploadAttachment(result.files[0], null, {}).then(function(response) { var args = tinymce.extend({}, { src: encodeURI("/" + response.sys_id + ".iix"), style: "max-width: 100%; max-height: 480px;" }); update(); thisEditor.setProgressState(false); thisEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, thisEditor.dom.createHTML('img', args), { skip_undo: 1 }); }); } } ; if (g_form && field) { g_form.$'propertyChange', function(type, fieldName, propertyName) { if (fieldName != return; updateMode(); }); updateMode(); } else if (typeof $attrs.snDisabled != "undefined") { $scope.$watch('snDisabled', function(newValue) { if (angular.isDefined(newValue) && typeof thisEditor.setMode == "function") { if (thisEditor.getContainer()) thisEditor.setMode(newValue ? 'readonly' : 'design'); else { thisEditor.on('init', function() { thisEditor.setMode(newValue ? 'readonly' : 'design'); }); } } }); } }, link: function(scope, element, attrs) { scope.attrs = attrs; scope.clickAttachment = function() { element.find("input").click(); } ; } }}).decorator("spTinymceEditorDirective",function($delegate) { return( [ $delegate[1] ] );});