Access to Script Include for CSM Workspace throws error after upgrade for few usersIssue After upgrading to New York release, few users reported that they open any case record on Agent Workspace, they receive below error. ReleaseNew YorkCauseThis is a cross scope issue. The ManyToManyChecker from the above screenshot is a global script include, but the user who was accessing the record has application set as CSM workspace.Usually this error comes from because there is no cross scope access is not present. For that manually customers have to create a cross scope privilege.ResolutionCustomer needs to create a specific cross scope privilege between the Application associated with the user and the global scope. A record need to be created on sys_scope_privilege table. Refer the product docs mentioned in the additional information section to learn more about Cross scope privilege. Also, it needs to be also checked, if there are any declarative actions on the Agent Workspace is using the same script include. For those, few modifications are needed in order to access those script includes. For example, if one declarative action has below syntax, it needs be modified as mentioned. From:!(new ManyToManyChecker().isManyToMany("{{table}}"))To!(new global.ManyToManyChecker().isManyToMany("{{table}}"))Related LinksCross-scope privilege recordDefine a cross-scope access to an application resource