/api/now/v1/nlu/getAllPublishedModels does not return all published models.DescriptionThis article explains on why getAllPublishedModels does not return all published models.Release or EnvironmentNewyorkCauseThis is caused by the mismatch of the model names in the ml_solution and sys_nlu_model records.ResolutionIdeally, solution_name.substring(3) on ml_solution should be same as name in sys_nlu_model From getAllPublishedModels API definition var mlSolutionRec = new GlideRecord("ml_solution"); mlSolutionRec.addQuery("active", true); mlSolutionRec.addQuery("capability", "nlu_trainer"); mlSolutionRec.query(); while (mlSolutionRec.next()) { name= mlSolutionRec.getValue("solution_name"); modelName = name.substring(3); // nlu_virtual_agent_assist_portal nluModelRec = new GlideRecord("sys_nlu_model"); modelObj = {}; if (nluModelRec.get("name", modelName)) { From the above, if name.substring(3)[modelName] on ml_solution is not same as name on sys_nlu_model, the model won't be returned by getAllPublishedModels API For example : Wrong Values : solution_name on ml_solution : ml_nlu_new_model_portalname on sys_nlu_model : New Virtual Agent Model Portal Correct Values :solution_name on ml_solution : ml_nlu_new_model_portalname on sys_nlu_model : new_model_portal