I am receiving the following error on our CAB meeting record 'Change Requests starting on or before must be after Change Requests starting after'Issue I am receiving the following error on the CAB meeting agenda definition- 'Change Requests starting on or before must be after Change Requests starting after' even though the filter criteria has worked before and there are change requests that match it. ReleaseMadridCauseIf you uncheck the 'Use filter criteria to drive Change Request date range' you will be able to see the two fields 'Change Requests starting after,' and 'Change Requests starting on or before.' The issue is that the date in the 'Change Requests starting on or before' field is before the date in the 'Change Requests starting after' field. Even though you aren't using those fields to filter change requests they still need to be a valid set of dates.ResolutionUncheck the 'Use filter criteria to drive Change Request date range' field then modify the 'Change Requests starting on or before' field so that the date is after the date listed in the 'Change Requests starting after' field. At which point you can re-check the 'Use filter criteria to drive Change Request date range' checkbox and save the record.