Delete corrupted record whose Sys ID is -1Issue A "CHG1234567" is identified as a corrupted record due to the following reasons. Not able to make any changes to "CHG1234567" change requestWhen we try to open the change, it opens a new recordThe Sys ID of the change record is set as "-1" Try to delete the change record in list view, but it reverts backReleaseAll ResolutionWe can delete this record by the following steps. Login to the instance 'abc'Navigate to sys_auto_flush.list table and click on 'New'Select table name as 'change_request' (As the issue is with change record, change_request table is selected. Choose the table appropriately based on the requirement)Fill the form as below Match field = sys_created_onAge in Seconds = 10 (Record whose age is more than 10 seconds)Enable checkbox for ActiveEnable checkbox for Cascade DeleteCondition Sys ID is -1 Submit the form. Once the form is submitted a cleanup job runs every one hour and removes the record.Related LinksFor more details, please refer below link