Unable to modify Change request values for Standard Change templatesIssue When users are trying to change the change values for a Standard change template and submit, it is redirecting them to the service_catalog.do page and not saving the changes made.CauseThe cause of the issue is because of the catalog item ' Modify a Standard change template ' is in an inactive stateResolutionThe fix for the issue is to make the Catalog Item: ' Modify a Standard Change Template ' active on the instance.https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/sc_cat_item_producer.do?sys_id=32b19f3b9fb002002920bde8132e7024&sysparm_view=&sysparm_domain=null&sysparm_domain_scope=null&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_rows=1&sysparm_record_list=type!%3dbundle%5esys_class_name!%3dsc_cat_item_guide%5etype!%3dpackage%5esys_class_name!%3dsc_cat_item_content%5enameCONTAINSmodify%5eORDERBYorderRelated LinksSTEPS TO REPRODUCE : Navigate to catalog itemSelect any standard change catalog templateClick "Modify template" linkFill up the template description and try adding or modifying any of the change valuesClick Request approval button, the system turns to a blank page