Manually created application services does not display the CI relationships in the map view.Issue Manually created application service does not display the CI relationships in the map view, though the CI from "cmdb_ci_appl" has relationship existing in "cmdb_rel_ci".The existing relationships for a CI in the application service are not updated in the map when we click on the Related Link - 'Update with changes from CMDB'.ReleaseInstance enabled with the Service Mapping Plugin.CauseThe relationship type -'Depends on:: Used by' which populates the CI connections on the creation of an application service is customized or missing. ResolutionIt is recommended not to modify the OOB relationship types, revert the relationship type - 'Depends on:: Used by' to OOB version.Navigate to the application service, click on the Related Link - 'Update with changes from CMDB, the CI relationships would be visible on the map.