Script to retrieve Access and Refresh tokens using GlideOAuthClient librariesSummaryBelow is sample script Script to retrieve Access and Refresh tokens using GlideOAuthClient libraries This could be run from background scripts for testing purposeInstructionsCode to retrieve Access token and Refresh Token:var oAuthClient = new sn_auth.GlideOAuthClient();var requestor_context = 'test';var requestor_id = '';var oauth_profile_id = '43d6bab3db849f009a6ff9b61d961957'; // profile ID [sys_id of 'OAuth Entity Profiles' (oauth_entity_profile) record in OAUTH registry record]var params = {grant_type:"password", username:'admin', password:'pwd', oauth_requestor_context:requestor_context, oauth_requestor:requestor_id, oauth_provider_profile:oauth_profile_id}; //var json = new global.JSON();var text = json.encode(params);var tokenResponse = oAuthClient.requestToken('oAuth Test', text); //'oAuth Test' is the name of the OAuth application registry record (oauth_entity)var token = tokenResponse.getToken();var access_token = token.getAccessToken() ;gs.log("AccessToken:" + access_token);gs.log("AccessTokenExpiresIn:" + token.getExpiresIn());gs.log(" RefreshToken:" + token.getRefreshToken());Code to retrieve a new Access Token using Refresh tokenvar oAuthClient = new sn_auth.GlideOAuthClient();var requestor_context = 'test';var requestor_id = '';var oauth_profile_id = '43d6bab3db849f009a6ff9b61d961957'; // profile ID [sys_id of 'OAuth Entity Profiles' (oauth_entity_profile) record in OAUTH registry record]var params = {grant_type:"refresh_token", refresh_token:"<value_of_refresh_token>", oauth_requestor_context:requestor_context, oauth_requestor:requestor_id, oauth_provider_profile:oauth_profile_id};var json = new global.JSON();var text = json.encode(params);var tokenResponse = oAuthClient.requestToken('oAuth Test', text); //'oAuth Test' is the name of the OAuth application registry record (oauth_entity)var token = tokenResponse.getToken();var access_token = token.getAccessToken() ;gs.log("AccessToken:" + access_token);gs.log("AccessTokenExpiresIn:" + token.getExpiresIn());gs.log(" RefreshToken:" + token.getRefreshToken()); Making an outbound REST call with the retrieved token // make the outbound REST call with the retrieved token var r = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2('empukemburu03_outbound', 'Default GET'); //setting oauth profile and oauth requester profile r.setAuthenticationProfile('oauth2', oauth_profile_id); r.setRequestorProfile(requestor_context, requestor_id); var response = r.execute(); var responseBody = response.getBody(); var httpStatus = response.getStatusCode(); gs.log(responseBody);