Service Portal URL mapping redirection does not support direct links to Desktop UI catalog itemsDescriptionService Portal URL mapping redirection can take a form/list URL and redirect an end user to that same entity in a Service Portal. This capability does not currently have support for catalog items.Steps to Reproduce 0. Setup the Service Portal redirect1. Set the property value to SPEntryPage().getFirstPageURL()2. Set the property value to SPEntryPage().getLoginURL()3. Edit line 69 of the script include SPEntryPage to only itil user go to UI platform (others only goto Portal page):if (user.hasRole('itil') && !redirectURL && !isServicePortalURL)return;4. Go to one of OOB catalog item, for example "Access" (/ Click 'Try it' and save the url or save the url in a tab.6. Impersonate a non ITIL user (Joe Employee) and verify it redirects to /sp as expected.7. Go to the tab or open a new tab with URL saved from step 5. It does not redirect to Service Portal catalog order page (for access /sp/?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=039c516237b1300054b6a3549dbe5dfc), but stays in UI platform item Order page.Workaround The "Try It" UI Action URL goes to the page in the Desktop UI. There is no existing capability to map that URL (or any arbitrary Desktop UI URL) to a specific Service Portal page. This enhancement is not currently in Service Portal's roadmap or targeted for inclusion in a future release. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article.Related Problem: PRB1362071