When system language is changed to Danish, it does not return any search resultIssue 1. Go to ServiceNow instance2. Impersonate user whose language is set as "danish"3. Go to "Service Catalog" - > "Catalog Definitions" -> "Maintain items"4. In the Name column, type "*Mail"5. Notice nothing is found6. Try the same search in the Display name column and notice that there are catalog items with "mail" in the name.CauseName is translated field (check the field type)uri=sys_dictionary.do?sys_id=32073eb20f212100b54a29a703050e70However, the display name is a string fielduri=sys_dictionary.do?sys_id=27d3b3216f320200296d5be54b3ee4b2When with danish language session users are trying to find catalog item, the system is not getting any entries for translated fieldsThe system is trying to find danish entries for name field which does not exist so it is not returning any results.The issue is occurring as danish translation entries do not existResolutionThis is the expected behaviour of the platform. You need to create Danish translation entry for the name field.By keeping the language session in danish, if user update the name field, then Danish entry should get created for that item and it should return the search result