Walk-Up queue count not updating Description Walk-Up queue count not updating and always showing #2 CauseWalk-Up portal check from a database view "'sn_walkup_appointment_interaction" to show the count. The count is not getting updated because GlideRecord is not querying correctly when the table is database view. The issue is happening due to property : "glide.db.max_view_records" Link for the same:uri=sys_properties.do?sys_id=6a76a99cccbc1100f9717874b4e6f5b6 The property value has a comma eg 50,000 It is an integer property and integer cannot evaluate ",", due to that it is breaking.glide.db.max_view_records controls the maximum number of rows returned when running a GlideRecord query in a script. ResolutionGo to below link :uri=sys_properties.do?sys_id=6a76a99cccbc1100f9717874b4e6f5b6 This will redirect to property : "glide.db.max_view_records" Remove the comma if you want to use the property eg set the value as 50000 Clear instance cache (/cache.do)