Difference between Resolve time and Business resolve time on Incident. Issue What is the difference between Resolve time and Business resolve time on Incident? We are seeing Business resolve time is set to "0" even after the Incident is resolved. CauseThe Resolve time and Business resolve time field are available on the Incident [incident]. This field allows for easy reporting on how long it takes for Incident to be closed, and is stored as an integer number of seconds. Specific business rules calculate the Resolve time field when the record is resolved or marked closed, and measure the difference between the Opened and Closed dates. On the Incident table, the field is calculated on the incident resolution, or closure, whichever happens first, based on the business rule mark_resolved or mark_closed. Both are based on the Incident table to get a trigger. When the incident is resolved, the calculation is based on the mark_resolved business rule. Resolve time - calendar_stc uses "dateDiff" function for calculating different of the duration between opened and resolved. Business resolve time - business_stc uses the "calDateDiff" function for calculating different of the duration between opened and resolved. dateDiff(String, String, boolean):- Calculates the difference between two dates independent of the calendar. calDateDiff(String, String, boolean):-Calculate the difference between two dates using the default calendar, so depending on the calendar the duration between the time is calculated. So that the reason "Business resolve time" value can be "0" when the incident is opened and closed when the time won't fall in the calendar. The calendar is defined in System Policy -> Calendars.ResolutionThe behavior you see is as per the design and working as expected.