Unable to search all knowledge bases in portal.DescriptionWe were told the New York release supports multiple kb's in service portal, however, we are unable to search all bases.Release or EnvironmentNew YorkCause1. One specific knowledge base is defined on portal record.2. Knowledge bases search source has been customized.ResolutionThere cannot be any specific knowledge bases defined on a service portal.Per our documentation, in order to search all knowledge bases within a portal there cannot be any knowledge bases defined in this related list. Here is the link to our documentation:Configure knowledge bases for a portalhttps://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=enable-search-on-all-kb.html&version=latest2. Knowledge base search source has been customized- Please see the record for the Knowledge base search source:<instance name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sp_search_source.do?sys_id=c6170ae86721220023c82e08f585efe6 Removing the specified knowledge base and reverting the search source back to out of box code will resolves the issue seen.