KB Article is not reflecting the correct "Modified by" version informationIssue The user who checks out an article appears as "Modified by" in the versioning information.ResolutionWhenever a user checks out an article, they become the user who modified it. This user is modifying the article as they are checking it out and creating a new version. This is the same behavior seen in an out of box instance. Also, if this version is then updated again, the Modified By will again be updated to the using saving/committing the change. For example, if User A checks out an article (making 2.01), they are the current user making the change or Modified By. If then User B updates that same version (2.01) and saves, the Modified By field will update to User B. This is working as expected, business rule 'Versioning : Revise Version' calls script include 'KBVersioningSNC' which gets the current user's information.Line 242 of 'KBVersioningSNC':version.modified_by = gs.getUserID();