Instance clone estimated duration can be based on previous clone that used on demand backupIssue When requesting a new clone, a warning message shows: "This time is not available for Cloning due to already scheduled operations. Proceeding with this time may delay your clone." ReleaseAllCauseThe clone engine pulls a list of successful clones from the clone context table, for the same pair of source and target instances within the last 6 months, and ordered by clone duration descending. Any new clone request will then use that duration calculated based on the On Demand Backup. Although Customers can go ahead and submit the Clone Request, this would lock the target instance and prevents them from scheduling an upgrade. Customers might to schedule an upgrade right after the clone finishes.ResolutionContact SN Technical Support to verify whether the clone duration calculation was based on a recent clone that did not use an on demand backup.Related LinksSchedule cloning