Reports list does not display for non-admin usersIssue When a non-admin user opens the View / Run module, the Reports list does not load and the frame is blank. The following error can be seen in the browser console: angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:121 SyntaxError: Unexpected token c in JSON at position 2 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at Object.Cc [as fromJson] (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:18) at Object.<anonymous> (js_includes_reporthome.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928&lp=Wed_Aug_07_13_13_14_PDT_2019&c=88_752:497) at Object.invoke (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:44) at Object.$get (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:41) at Object.invoke (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:44) at angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:45 at d (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:43) at e (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:43) at Object.invoke (angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=09-06-2019_0928:43)CauseNormally, the reporting.home.fields user preference has a Value containing name-value pairs in JSON object notation, such as: {"scheduled":true,"lastRun":true,"table":true,"type":true,"createdBy":false,"numberOfRuns":true,"numberRunsHomepage":false,"modificationDate":false,"recentExecutionTime":false,"executionTime":true,"published":true} However, the affected users have a reporting.home.fields user preference that contains a Sys ID, which is not in JSON object notation, and is therefore invalid: 62c4cf04dbf55340616df5431d961979ResolutionDelete the invalid reporting.home.fields user preference records: Navigate to User Administration > User PreferencesFilter the list to identify the faulty user preference records by adding the following conditions: [Name] [is] [reporting.home.fields] [Value] [does not contain] [{]Right-click on any column header and select Export > XML to save a backup of the records to be deleted.Check the box at the bottom of the list to select all the records and then select Delete in the corresponding dropdown.Click Delete on the Confirmation dialog to delete the records.