Enabled Outlook actionable's for Survey - not working for some domainsIssue While configuring outlook actionable message for survey for giving the option for end user to submit the survey in the email, it does not work with all the different domains. Install the Outlook Actionable Messages plugin (com.sn_ms_oam) Create 'Outlook actionable' checked surveyIncluded appropriate mail script in the notification.This setup is working fine when the email is sent to an email address with one domain but not working with another domain. ReleaseAllCauseIt is most like an issue with your proofpoint as it is the one which is bypassing/suppressing the actionable content. and thus not allowing it to be sent to other domainsResolutionInvolve your exchange administrators in order to fix this as the proofpoint is on your side of the infrastructure.Related LinksThe Outlook Actionable Messages (OAM) feature is not supported in all Microsoft mail products and versions. To verify whether your version of Outlook supports OAM, refer to the Microsoft documentation.Actionable messages are supported only for emails sent from the @service-now.com email address. If you are sending an email from a customized email address, you should register as a new service on the Microsoft website setting the scope as Organization. Specify the provider ID value in the sn_ms_oam.outlookactionable.originator property.Actionable messages are based on the Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) validation for the email sender verification. If an email recipient receives email via an external provider, emails may not be rendered as adaptive cards.You cannot customize the default actionable message templates.Also, Actionable messages are based on the Sender Policy Framework (SPF)/DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) validation for the email sender verification. If an email recipient receives email via an external provider, emails may not be rendered as adaptive cards. More information on KB0535456 You can read more about it from the Documentation on Embed an approval request within the Outlook email client