Audit History shows blank for 'created by' and 'updated by' fields.SummaryAudit History in list view shows blank for the fields 'Updated by' and 'Created by' for all the tables.So it is difficult to find who updated the records in the tables. Steps to Reproduce Go to any Table, for example: cmdb_ci_server.listOpen a sample record from it and Go to History - > select ListSee the history for 'Updated by' and 'Created by' fields. It shows blank. (Screenshot attached for reference) Reason Information audited: Auditing tracks the following record changes: The Unique Record Identifier (sys_id) of the record that changed.The field that changed.The new field value.The old field value.The number of times this record and field have been updated.The date and time when the change occurred.The user who made the change.The reason for the change.(if any reason is associated with the change)The record's internal checkpoint ID.(if the record has multiple versions) Information exempted from auditing: Auditing excludes the following information: Any updates made by an upgrade.Any updates made through import sets.Any records in parent or child tables.Any field with the no_audit dictionary attribute.Any system tables not listed in the glide.ui.audit_deleted_tables property list.Any field that begins with the sys prefix (system fields) except the sysclassname and sysdomainid columns.Any time an inactivity monitor touches a record (this prevents you from seeing possibly hundreds of updates listed against an incident, with the noise drowning out the useful data). Please refer to the documentation below for more details: Auditing