Approve action (approve using admin role) is showing a pop-up "Approval Authentication" with User Name and Password to enter. DescriptionApprove on behalf using the admin role user is possible. The system will prompt an approver authentication window when approved records from the admin role. CauseThe "Approvals with e-Signature" plugin is activated on the instance, so you see this behavior. https://<instance-name> The behavior is as expected because of the activation of "Approvals with e-Signature" on the instance.ResolutionIn case if you don't want the Approver Authentication to be shown when approving on help, then there is a way to De-activate e-signatures. Set Enabled to False on any tables where e-signatures are no longer required, from the below list:- https://<instsance-name> This will disable the functionality of showing Approver Authentication popup when approving a record by a different user. Additional InformationReference documents:-