On a bar chart the drill-down to the list view shows a compressed list with white space on each sideDescriptionWhen you drill-down into a bar chart, the list view appears shrunk and uses only a fraction of the width of the screen.Steps to Reproduce 1) Download and import the attached xml files sys_report and sys_report_drill.2) Open the report named 'Incident SLAs - Breached or Completed'.3) Click on the bar in the bar chart to drill-down to the list. The list is not as wide as the available space, but has a large white gap on the right and left. WorkaroundAfter carefully considering the severity and frequency of the issue, and the cost and risk of attempting a fix, it has been decided to not address this issue in any current or near future releases. We do not make this decision lightly, and we apologise for any inconvenience. The workaround documented in KB0694143 - Adding a report drilldown on a chart (non-list) report does not open the report in new tab should resolve the issue.You can create a new UI view or use an existing saved view as a 'Drilldown View' and apply that on the chart report: Create a new sys_ui_view record with a name and title.Save the sys_ui_view.Open the list view of the table you are reporting on, for example, /incident_list.do.Configure the list layout for the new UI view created, and add list elements you want to see on the drill.Edit the report in the report designer, in the style tab for your chart in the new UI.Specify the Drilldown view from step 1 (Note** In the classic UI designer this setting is on the setting icon next to report type).Delete any 'Report drilldowns' you might have.Save the report.Run the report and drill into the chart, the drilled list view will now open in a new tab with the UI view list elements you have specified.Related Problem: PRB1378741