Out-of-the box Event Management - Listener Transform scripts corrupt or truncatedIssue After installation of Event Management plugin the Listener Transform Scripts are not working. The script field is truncated to 40 characters. If you create a custom listener transform script, the script field can only save a maximum of 40 characters. ReleaseJakarta to current release version (New York).CauseThe field class definiton for Script field was customized. In the sample attachment, the length field was set to empty. The out-of-the-box value for length field is 4000: ResolutionSet the length field back to 4000. Don't forget to replace <instance-name> in this URL: https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_glide_object.do?sys_id=4ab7aca2c611229b00e53ca27ac105d9 If you have an instance where the Listener Transform Scripts are working you can do an export XML and import XML to the affected instance or you can create a case in HI to have Event Management plugin re-installed.