Demand Management StagesIssue Find out how the stages on dmn_demand tasks are rendered on the list view. If I look at the stage field is always contains the value of "demand" but when looking at it from the list view the stage first lists the current state of the demand and then when a Enhancement or Defect or Project is created it adds this to the stage. From our Demands we also create Stories. We would like to add this to the demand stage to indicate when a story has been created for the demand. Normally stages are related to workflows but demands do not have workflows. Is is possible for me to add this "Story" as a custom stage to the demand table? Thanks From our Demands we also create Stories. We would like to add this to the demand stage to indicate when a story has been created for the demand. Normally stages are related to workflows but demands do not have workflows. Is is possible for me to add this "Story" as a custom stage to the demand table?Causedmn_stage_config.list . Demand ConfigResolutionThere are two Fields on Demand, Category and TypeIdea->Demand->Strategic->Project/EnhancementIdea->Demand->Operational->Change/DefectThe choices come from sys_dictionary of both these fields.These are defined here so you can decide which one of these 4 you will generate from Demand (Project, Enahncement,change,defect). That is what is reflecting from Stages table defined in dmn_stage_config.list Idea->Demand->Strategic->Story for Example - the Story would be generated from Demand but this is all customization you would have to write as it is not supported OOB (out of box) today. If the customization is already done but you are enquiring on how to add state of story generated in Demand Config,Look into the dmn_stage_config.list Thats the Place to configure your Demand Stages