"On hold reason" field incident.hold_reason is missing on incident tableIssue "On hold reason" field incident.hold_reason is missing on incident table. This field is necessary to integrate with change and problem.CauseThe field field incident.hold_reason from Incident table is installed as part of Incident Management - Core (com.snc.incident_management). However this plugin is available by default in new instances but it is not available on upgrade instances.ResolutionAccording documentation:Incident Management - Core (com.snc.incident_management) is available by default in new instances but it is not available on upgrade. Customers upgrading from Geneva or earlier versions must request the plugin. https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=activate-incident-management-core-plugin.html&version=latestThe plugin needs to be activate for upgrade version after Geneva or earlier versions.