Pasting the content from Google Docs to HTML Editor does not show Paste Formatting OptionsDescriptionSince New York, pasting the content from Google Docs to HTML Editor is not showing Paste Formatting Options. Steps to Reproduce 1. Login a New York or later instance2. Open any form which has HTM Editor, for example the kb_knowledge form.3. In the HTML editor field, try to Paste content from Google Docs. You will not get any Paste Formatting Options popup, the editor formats the content as plain text.WorkaroundThis is expected behavior. The latest SN adopted TinyMCE version does not support Google Doc formatting. As a workaround, paste from a Google Doc into a different supported editor (i.e. Microsoft Word), then copy from that editor into TinyMCE. That should prompt to either keep the formatting or remove it. Alternatively, better than rewriting large sections of content when moving formatted text to the editor, use the actual HTML content from Google Docs: In Doc (Google) Download in HTML formatUnzipOpen in any program that allows you to look at HTML (Visual Studio Code)Copy the HTMLSwitch to the source mode in the HTML EditorPaste the HTMLRelated Problem: PRB1369656