View Indexed fields in Tables & Columns ModuleSummaryThe Tables & Columns module can be accessed by Admin users and this provides a list of all existing tables, with columns, column attributes, and indexes. Navigate to System Definition > Tables & Columns and you will be presented with the list of tables and the related columns. Below is an example where the table Asset has been selected and the columns/fields are listed in column 'Column Names'. There are a few icons that you see prefixed in the column name. Below are the details: The Blue information icon is used to mark an indexed field. See the Asset tag in the above example.Reference fields are represented with calendar icons. See fields Assigned to, Beneficiary, etc in the above example.Columns that are not indexed will have a blue dot icon prefixed. See example Display name in the above example.Square red icons represent fields that are present in the parent table (i.e. extended fields). In the below example, the table Access Control is extended from table Application File(sys_metadata). Column Class is present in the table Application File. You can view the Schema Map of table Access Control by selecting UI Action Schema Map at the bottom left of the screen. Below is the example Schema Map of table Access Control: Related LinksTable Administration View Schema Map