Walk-Up Experience Portal is accessible to users with only role "sn_walkup.walkup_login"Issue Walk-Up Experience Portal is not accessible to all users having other roles including "sn_walkup.walkup_login"CauseThe isAuthorized method is allowing users with ONLY role "'sn_walkup.walkup_login'" to access the portal. If users has any other role, access is denied Script Include: WalkUpUtil /nav_to.do?uri=sys_script_include.do?sys_id=d15ddb0b23001300c6bf121727bf65a3 isAuthorized: function(user) { var WALKUP_LOGIN = 'sn_walkup.walkup_login'; var SNC_INTERNAL = 'snc_internal'; // used when explicit_roles plugin is active if (!user || typeof user !== 'object') return false; if (!user.hasRole(WALKUP_LOGIN)) return false; var roles = user.getRoles(); for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) if (roles[i] !== SNC_INTERNAL && roles[i] !== WALKUP_LOGIN) return false; return true;},ResolutionExpected behavior.