'Run SLA' business rule does not run after setting the property to run it asynchronously Issue When I changed the property to run the 'Run SLA' business rule asynchronously through an update set or import, it does not work at all.Cause When you make the 'Run SLA' business rule async through an update set or import, it does not create the 'SLA Async Delegator' job to process the SLA's.Resolution 1) Go to https://[instance_name].service-now.com/sys_trigger_list.do 2) Import the attached SLA Async Delegator.xml file 3) The jobs will run every 5 seconds to process the SLA jobs in the sla_async_queue table NOTE: You can go to "https://[instance_name].service-now.com/sla_async_queue_list.do" to view its progress. Preventive Measures: When you want to make the 'Run SLA' business rule async and avoid issues, do the following below: 1) Go to this link: http://[instance_name].service-now.com/system_properties_ui.do?sysparm_title=SLA%20Engine%20Properties&sysparm_category=Service%20Level%20Management 2) Where it says 'Execute the 2011 SLA engine asynchronously', click the 'Yes' checkbox 3) click Save Related Links KB0778498: SLA's are delayed in attaching to tickets - why?