Unable to see Connect under Notifications from the System Settings menu (gear icon)Issue Users would like to modify the Connect Notifications, for example turn the audio notification off. However, even the admin user is not able to see Connect under Notifications from the System Settings menu (gear icon). CauseThere are no notifications or all them are inactive under the Connect category (sysevent_email_action table).ResolutionNotifications are classified by categories, Out of the Box, there are five notifications under the "Connect" category. /nav_to.do?uri=%2Fsysevent_email_action_list.do%3Fsysparm_query%3Dsys_idLIKE081a15771330120070c757b32244b003%255EORsys_idLIKE1498b7489f232100d5f9b3e2957fcf79%255EORsys_idLIKE150055909f021200d5f9b3e2957fcf23%255EORsys_idLIKE38c4a3725331020023c817aaedc587c3%255EORsys_idLIKEe13bd3b29f132100d5f9b3e2957fcf53%26sysparm_first_row%3D1%26sysparm_view%3D However, if the notifications were moved to other categories, or deleted, or inactive, then the "Connect" category will not be displayed in the System Settings. To fix the issue, create or move back a notification(s) under the Connect category. Otherwise, the admin user will need to create/add a record in the sys_user_preference table for each user who wants to modify these notifications, for example: connect.notifications.audio= false