"Add to Cart" button is not available on any catalog items on platform service catalogIssue "Add to Cart" button is not available on any catalog items on platform service catalog.Cause"Visible" field on the Shopping cart widget is set to False (unchecked) in Maintain cart layout.https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sc_layout.do?sys_id=3e69cb12d7012100f2d224837e610316ResolutionMaking the 'Visible' field to "true" should fix the issue.Related LinksThe way this functionality is coded in the backend, when the shopping cart widget is not visible on the cart layout, the Add to Cart button will also not be visible. The logic for this is that if a user cannot see the cart widget, he/ she should not be able to press the add to cart button either.