Vulnerability Data Source Import Queue Entries stuck in Queued stateIssue When Rapid7 or Qualys Integration jobs run, sometimes the Queue entries created for each Vulnerability Integration Process are stuck in the 'Queued' state forever.CauseThe Vulnerability Data Source Import Queue Entries in the sn_vul_ds_import_q_entry table are processed by a scheduled job named 'Scheduled Vulnerability Data source processor'.https://<instance-name> This job may either be inactive or the job doesn't have a sys_trigger record. https://<instance-name> If there is no sys_trigger for this job, this job may not be running at all, leaving all the Vulnerability Data Source Import Queue Entries in the 'Queued' state.ResolutionTo make sure the sys_trigger record is created for this job, you need to deactivate and re-activate the job. Open the job 'Scheduled Vulnerability Data source processor'https://<instance-name>�e70b3Deactivate the job by setting Active to false.Activate it again by setting Active to true.This will create the sys_trigger record for the job 'Scheduled Vulnerability Data source processor'https://<instance-name> Now, the job will run every 18 seconds and process all Vulnerability Data Source Import Queue Entries.