Incoming emails with infected attachments are not marked as SPAMIssue If using ServiceNow relay and when a user sends an email to the instance, those emails are scanned in the email infrastructure before reaching the instance. If the email is identified as spam/infected, the header of the email will be populated with: X-ServiceNow-Spam-Flag:YES, X-ServiceNow-Virus:INFECTED In some cases the email will not be marked as infected even it contains a malicious attachment.CauseAn incoming email is scanned by the system against the vendor's database of viruses, which gets updated based on whatever inputs they maintain. Only if a virus has been updated in the vendor's database, then it is generally known and has a virus-like signature, for which it can be blocked. Otherwise it will pass through.ResolutionUpload the attachments in the below form so to get them added to the Vendor's database of known viruses and prevent the issue in future: LinksEmail filters Inbound email spam scoring and filtering Malicious email attachments fail to get extracted from the email log causing some files that are present in Phish emails to not get copied into security incidents